Hello Fellow Bloggers! I hope you had wonderful holidays and that the new year is bringing you new creativity ideas and renewed strength. The last time I was on here I posted about a friendship that had gone away. Yes, it hurt and took me almost two months to finally recover (about 1/2 way). Through the help of another sweet Christian friend, I have been able to see the light at the end of this dark tunnel I was traveling through. She reminded me of how much my talent was needed in this world of uncertainess and awful attitudes people seem to be experiencing. She reminded me that the talent that I have was given to me by our Lord Jesus Christ and reminded me that I needed to use it to reach others and show the love that he shows me on a daily basis. Her email was long but I know that her words were from the Lord himself as she so eloquently typed it with such love. I have started creating again and hope to have something to show you within the next week. I want to thank you for staying with me through this difficult path. I know I'm not the only one who has experienced this, but it just seems harder and longer to recover from it compared to when I was 20 years younger. I'm leaving this post with a picture of a rose that my husband took last year. Its beauty and warmness reminds me of the light that God sheds on me daily and that the color of the rose is the deep red for heart felt love he has for me. I pray you have wonderful weekend and I will be back in a few days to post what I have been working on. Again thanks for your understanding through my trying time. Hugs!
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